So it became official today with Violent J's interview that Blaze is no longer with Psychopathic. Honestly it came as no suprise. I said in my blog about Twiztid leaving it was going to happen. So I have spent much of the day today reading forum posts, watching videos, and just feeling out the Family and how things are currently. Now I took a lot of hate and criticism because of my thoughts about Twiztid leaving. So let me say as plain as I can, I am and always will be a Juggalo. I will always support the music ICP makes, like it or not, I have nothing but respect for the Dons of Psychopathic. I will always support Blaze and Twiztid no matter where they go and what they do. Nothing can take any of my memories or feelings away that I have developed over the last 16 years. I will always support music I like and speak out if I don't like something. That is what makes the Family unique, our ability to be individuals while still being a Family.
All that being said I wanted to share my feelings on the state of Twiztid, Blaze and Psychopathic. Psychopathic will be fine and move on without Twiztid and Blaze. As long as ICP is making music the label will continue. My feelings on the current management of the label have been made clear throughout this blog. For two years I have opened myself up and told you all exactly how I felt things were going. I do not think the label will be as successful now that Twiztid is gone. The talent just isnt there. Twiztid will forge their own path and so will Blaze. I see nothing but bright things in their futures. One video I watched was a review of Abominationz. In the video the guy speaks exactly how I have been feeling. He says at one point he can't tell if Twiztid is speaking directly to ICP a majority of the time. He also feels like the album is Twiztid's stance against the current movement of the label, and I agree. It was Twiztid's renewal of their devotion to the Family and movement that ICP built. I feel like they have not agreed with the current shift in policy and product. That is why when I hear lines like:
"Your looking for acceptance in places your never gonna get it accept it
Our painted face is rejected
An abomination infected
With so much hatred collected
How can you say you didn't expected to go this way
Like bad directions
They're looking at me like a weapon
We got the world's attention
Were like this great invention
There all to afraid to mention
Shun me like bad intentions
But we'll see who really had agendas
A misconception I don't wanna be in your fucked up life or interventions"
I can't help but feel like they are speaking directly to ICP. Like I have said I will support the music ICP, Twiztid and Blaze make for life. on the business side of things I think things need to change. I do not agree with business decisions being made. Period.
We have been told recently that the Gathering this year will be a celebration of the Underground. When I heard that my first thought was "Huh?" I like the idea of people like Kung Fu Vampire, Bukshot, Liquid Assassin, Mars, Molly Gruesome, and others getting a chance to hit the mainstage and bring the house down. My biggest fear is this move is being made to save money because of the lost profit with Twiztid leaving. Do I think Twiztid will be at the Gathering?, yes. Do I think in 5 years they will be at the Gathering?, not sure. No one can disagree it is much cheaper for the label to have these underground artists on the main stage for $500-800 per set than to bring guys like Ice Cube, Ice T, and others out for $10,000 or more for a set. I am not sure at this point how I feel about the Gathering this year. I am hoping to get a chance to go out there as press and do an actual honest review of the Gathering. We shall see.
Now back to the point of the post, evolution. As a long time Juggalo I have seen shifts in the movement. I have seen band wagon fans come and go. I have seen the music succeed (Melinko, AJB, Mostasteless, Abominationz) and I have seen it fail (The Calm, Tempest, Mutant) but the one thing that has remained constant is the fans. We support the music more rabidly than any other fanbase out there. We get hated on for it and it makes us ban together and put a middle finger in the air at the mainstream. The video review of Abominationz the guy makes a great point and that is this "BPB and MDP were great albums but they do not deserve to be called Jokers Cards. There is something missing that was in all six of the origional cards." They are well done, great as far as production, and have many tracks I can relate to. But the magic is missing. The story is a faint reminder of what we have been told for decades.
The one thing nobody can avoid is evolution. I will never be 100% behind every project that Psychopathic, Twiztid, or Blaze puts out but I can tell you I will give each and every release it's fair shake. I will listen to what is being put out and support the ones I enjoy while allowing the others to collect dust in my collection. I have nothing but love for each and every Juggalo and Juggalette in the world. The real los and lettes not the band wagoners that we seem to be gathering recently. Being a Juggalo isn't about a set of rules, a pledge, if you do drugs or not, or even the music. Being a Juggalo is a state of being. When you find the Family you know you belong no matter where you come from, how much money you have, or what your recreational activities are. Being a Juggalo is about being an individual. Liking what you like and standing firm on your beliefs. We are a Family. Evolution doesn't change that. J said it best in the interview posted today "But if one day you get to college and start hangin’ with a new group of friends and you start to like other kinds of music, just don’t be one of those bitches that’s like, “Can you believe I used to be a Juggalette? I was so young and stupid, I guess.” Never talk that shit about us. Never sell us out because the you at 14 is just as important to your legacy as the you at 34. Yes, it’s OK to be a 14 year old Juggalette. It’s even OK if you grow out of being a Juggalette one day, but do us a favor. Never sell us out. Always remember the good times you had as a Juggalette and cherish them. Don’t look back on them with regret, look back on these days as great days. Never bad mouth the family. Better yet, stay down with the family forever!" Thats it right there. Evolution is going to happen. People will outgrow the need for the music and the Family and that is ok. And if you leave the music behind for a while and find in the future you need that connection again, we will be here.
Again you hit the nail on the head. The Glory days I remember making the trip from from the 605 to the 303 in denver 6 hour drive for a show. Or the 20 hour drive to the gathering. Never forget the days of old. The best days of my life. Now haven't gone to a show or gathering for years. Still a juggAlo till the I die. But it has changed the real peoe not the brain washed sheep of the world.