So a few things in the world have gotten out of hand and to be honest I am sick of hearing about them. So this post is really me venting and hopefully you guys can give me feedback not just criticism.
The past few weeks I have heard a lot about the government furlough and have personally seen how it is effecting military personnel and civilian government employees. My issues with this topic are this:
Why should congress and the president continue to get paid? Yes it is granted by the constitution that their pay will not stop. But in this case I think they all should voluntarily donate their paychecks to pay the military, civilian, and veterans who still have to go to work without pay in most cases. The furlough happened because the government failed to do their job! The military and civilians didn't cause these problems. The government and their petty arguments caused it all. Facts are this, Obamacare sucks, neither party gives a crap about any of us until their job is up for reelection (Which I feel doesn't even matter because I feel most of our "free" elections are rigged and our choice doesn't matter) and then they tell us what we need to hear to vote them back in knowing once they secure the office they will not do a damn thing they promised, and both parties are striving for the same goal (Government take over and totalitarian rule).
So what can we as citizen do about it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing we do matters. We have given the government so much power nothing we say matters. We can rise up and fight the government and I think Americans should throw all of those people out of office and start over. But once the citizens rise up against the governments we will just begin to get slaughtered. I hate to say it but at this point we have given so much away we are beyond any repair.
Another topic I keep hearing about is peoples sexuality. I will be honest, NOBODY cares who you are doing or not doing. Until you tell people your preference no one can tell. But I will say once you tell the world that preference you need to be prepared for people that agree and don't agree with your choice. We dont all have to agree or be o.k. with anyone else s lifestyle. We all need to shut our mouths and keep our private business private. Unlike racism or the civil rights movement until you stand up and yell from the mountain tops your sexual orientation nobody can tell. The civil rights movement was about being repressed and persecuted because of the color of your skin. That is 100% obvious the second you see someone. Unfortunately racism will never cease to exist because people will keep being ignorant. Your sexuality is private and not immediately obvious unless you make it that way.
The next topic is abortion. Let me clue you in on something, it was not the babies choice for you to get pregnant or get someone pregnant it was your choice. Why would you punish a life that is 100% dependent on you for survival because you couldn't take precautions to prevent it? With all of the options out there for birth control there is only 2 reasons pregnancy happens, you had unprotected sex to get pregnant or you took the risk even though you knew the consequences. Either way the fetus had no choice in that. You might be killing the next Einstein, Beethoven, or rocket scientist.
Finally I am sick and tired of hearing how guns kill people. I will let you in on a little secret, Guns do not work unless human hands pull the trigger. Yes if it is dropped it can misfire but that is not what the argument is about. People in the government, media, and communities claim that our constitutional right to bear arms should restrict what arms we can own. Nowhere in the constitution does it clarify what I can or cannot own as a firearm. But those supporters of gun control want you to believe that an AR-15 is more deadly than a knife. This is true and untrue. Yes it can shoot more rounds quicker. But it only shoots one round per trigger pull. No matter what guns are taken out of law abiding citizens hands criminals will still get weapons and commit crime. Look at prohibition if you need an example of this.
So there you have it. My rant on all the crap is society pissing me off. I will get back to my music posts and hope you all will stick with me and even have an intelligent debate about these topics.