Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Underground and Family

  As many of you know I have been a Juggalo for a long time.  I have noticed a lot of changes in the fanbase and the mentality of the fans.  Which is one of the major reasons I created this blog.  I wanted to remind the Family why we are all Juggalos.  All of us are drawn to the underground for a lot of different reasons.  Some for the sense of community.  Some for the love of the music.  Some just because they don't fit anywhere else.  When I found the music it changed me.  I have found a lot of comfort in the music, sense of community, and overall love I have experienced.  I found a place where everyone who comes in is welcomed.  Where it dsoesn't really matter where you came from, who your parents are, or why you are down.  All that matters is that you are who you are.  No expectations.  You wanna wear paint, do it.  You don't wanna wear paint, don't.  You wanna buy the merch go ahead.  This community allows you to be yourself, whatever you might be.
  In the past few years things have changed, and not for the better.  We now are classified as a gang.  Why you might ask, well because a few people who don't embrace the family or the message of the music have done a lot of really bad crap in the name of Juggalos everywhere.  Now a few bad apples will spoil any bunch but instead of the family bonding together and changing the opinions of the masses there is a growing population of rebellious teen/20 somethings that have decided to act out against the tag negatively instead of handling it right.  Now not all young fans are that way but I am seeing this growing trend and feel it is my place as a veteran Juggalo to say something.  Instead of screaming "Fuck the police" and flipping off the world we need to do the right things to make people see us in a different light.  Psychopathic records has made this effort and we need to follow their example.  Last Christmas they had a toy drive and a month ago they had Juggalo day and performed at a homeless shelter.  They did these things not because they were getting paid to do it but becuse they wanted the"real" world to see us in a good light.  They are showing us the right way to change peoples minds about out Family.

  I try everyday to make sure I do things that are going to make us as Juggalos and Juggalettes look good.  I don't throw up gang signs, flip people off for looking at my hatchet, scream obscenities for no reason, etc.  I don't do drugs, drink, or smoke but those are personal choices.  If you do those things you have the right and I think you can do those things, although drugs are illegal at this time.  By wearing the hatchet we have a bullseye on us from the jump, why would we do anything to further the BS that we are all losers or gang bangers by doing stupid stuff?  If you do positive things and still rep the hatchet then we all look good.  The more positive things that happen while people rep our Family crest the better we will all be. 

  I have begun booking and promoting shows here in West Texas.  Since starting this process I have found another disturbing trend among our Family, Family ripping off Family.  I am currently working with T.O.N.E-Z and MARS to do a show in Lubbock on April 21.  When I began to book the openers I kept getting asked how much money I was going to charge them for a 20 min set.  I was stunned.  Why on Earth would I charge a local underground act any money to fill a 20 min set I need to have booked.  Perhaps if it was a major record label name or more mainstream I might consider it, but even then it would be unlikely.  By filling that 20 min slot in the show they are helping me out.  On top of that if they promote the hell out of the show and sell a ton of tickets I make sure they get a cut of the profits, thus they are getting paid to fill a slot.  All of those people that emailed seemed to think it was normal and ok that so-called Family was charging them to play a show.  Promoter/bookers should never make their profit off openers, those acts have enough costs in just making the music that charging them is just low. 

  When I put out my flyer for the show I did not realize that one of my openers had been working on being a part of another show the same day.  But because I had all my stuff already confirmed they chose my show.  The other promoter and their friends took to facebook and any other social media they could to basically say I was stepping on their turf, stealing their openers, and taking money out of their pocket.  The biggest problem is they didn't even know who I was.  They thought one of my openers was booking/promoting the show and due to prior problems decided to rip the show apart without knowing who was actually promoting it.  We are all trying to get the underground noticed and there is no reason that anyone should bad mouth another show.  There is enough shows coming through any city that more than one promoter can work there.  There just has to be COMMUNICATION between these promoters to make sure that openers are not double booked, venues are not being fought over, and the shows are all successful. 

  These issues have all been resolved once I was communicating with the people involved.  My point in this whole blog is that as a community and Family we need to look out for each other.  No one else is going to do it for us.  If you know of a show in your area promote it!  If you want to hel with a show ask the promoter/booker.  There is a ton of cost involved in these projects and all help is most definitely appreciated. 
  Lets keep our group in the positive.  There is no reason to commit crimes, tag buildings, rob people, etc and then claim the hatchet like a badge of honor.  Lets do all we can to change the idea people have of juggalos.  Only we can change that perception.



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